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History of Huerto Roma Verde

Multifamiliar Juárez in 1950

Multifamiliar Juárez.

1985 Earthquake at Multifamiliar Juárez

Collapse and damage of 10 buildings in the Multifamiliar Juárez unit.

27 years of abandonment
Huerto Roma Verde in 2012

La Cuadra AC, along with neighbors, SCO's, activists and volunteers, clean up the space and start Huerto Roma Verde.

Huerto Roma Verde Today

Nowadays, Huerto Roma Verde is a flagship of environmentalism, urban permaculture and community development. 

The history of a place is part of the essence of everything that is developed within it; learning he biological origin of a place, along with its anthropological and ethnic remains, helps us understand the journey of the place, providing a deeper look that invites us to recognize and value what the space encompasses. We invite you to leanr more about the origins of the location of Huerto Roma Verde here.

The Valley of Mexico Basin became a space where different peoples settled in order to tap into the abundance of resources in the area. The incredible biodiversity that encompasses aquatic species, birds, mammals and reptiles, together with a plant life composed of a variety of edible and medicinal herbs made the Basin an ideal spot for the Mesoamerican cultures settled there to flourish.

2017 Earthquake

On September 19, 1985, at 7 a.m., an incredibly strong earthquake changed the way the inhabitants of Mexico City felt, and eventually ser the foundations for the development the socual organization structures that gave birth to the movements that changed the country's political landscape. On September 19, 2017 at 12 pm, the Earth once again reminded us through another devastating earthquake that shook a great portion of the city, that an organized civil society is the strongest living force in the country, capable of overcoming great tragedies through solidarity and being a resilient and regenerative entity.

Hueto Roma Verde - 2017 Earthquake

Evolution of our Logo

The first image that represented Huerto Roma Verde was created by Jorge Dzib, who shared his talent with us inspired by the ideas he gathered regarding what the space aimed to become; this may be the reason why the image was composed of different vegetables surrounded by a cricle, encompassing the idea of integration that we aimed to transmit, with a communal purpose and a focus on urban agriculture.

Huerto Roma Verde's First Logo


Huerto Roma Verde's Second Logo


Huerto Roma Verde's Third Logo


As time went by and the project evolved and matured, we learned that we wanted to focus more on the importance of the ancestral knowledge of the native peoples, and how their knowledge of plant life helps open new perspectives regarding our perceptions, as well as our personal and communal wellness once we manage to reconnect with our own essence. This is why the Hikuri is a prefect representation of this purpose, since it represents a powerful plant used ceremonially by the Wirarika people, which allows us to recognize the sacredness of plants from the vision of the native peoples of Mexico, as well as serving as a metaphor for the perlmaculture flower, which allowed us to transform the seven petal flower into a seven wedged Hikuri, contextualized and placed following a narrative that is closer to our goals, stemming from the integral vision we are proppsing.

At almost 11 years old, and thanks to all the support we have received from the different acting parties that have made Huerto Roma Verdewhat it is today, we have become an important touchtone of socio-environmental regeneration worldwide, we have decided that it is time to acknoledge the flowering of this Hikuri, and modified the logo to show hat the flower of communal wellbeing was blooming and expanding thanks to the efforts of our community.


Logo Huerto Roma Verde Anniversario
Logo La Cuadra AC

©2024 Huerto Roma Verde – Resilab Biosocial
Managed by La Cuadra A.C.



Monday to Sunday

10:00 - 19:00

Jalapa 234, Roma Sur
06760 CDMX






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